Friday, April 08, 2005

Art of teaching

After a long day in school, got a few sms along the way saying that a few of my students can't make it for guitar class tonight. Was kinda disappointed to see only a few ppl turn up. But despite the fact, i still did my best to teach even though there are only 3 students.

Didn't feel that i taught very well today. For some reason, was kinda nervous. Maybe because got new student (Xiaojia). :) Must learn to overcome. There are so many things i have to learn to overcome. So much to do yet so little time. Really pray that God will expand my capacity and territory.

Also got news from my friend saying that her grandma passed away yesterday.. Was sharing with Raymond that there had been many funerals around me recently. This shows me that life is so fragile. They may be gone anytime! So no time to lose! Gotta win all of my friends and loved ones to Christ before it's too late!


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